What Accent Does Elon Musk Have?

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX Elon musk is one of the richest people in the world. He is also known as the real-life iron man for his innovations. Elon Musk also founded Paypal (x.com) in 1999 and he became a multimillionaire in his early 20s after selling his start-up company.

In this article, we are not here to talk about his achievements but about his accent. Most American people don’t find his accent is American.

What Accent Does Elon Musk Have

Many people think Elon Musk’s accent is a little different. Although most parts of the world speak English with different accents, you can easily find out where are they from by just talking with them.

There are more than 6500 languages spoken by people around the globe and when the most percentage of people try to speak any other language, it is sure that they can’t speak like the native speakers of a language speak.

For example, you can easily find a difference between American English and British English. That is not the case with Elon Musk, you have also listened to Elon musk’s interviews, his accent is very different.

His accent is more like a mixture of Canadian, American, and South African English.

So What Accent Does Elon Musk Have? Just stick with us, we will tell you, what accent does he have and how he got this accent. But let’s first what is Elon Musk’s background and where he actually from.

Elon Musk’s Early Life

Actually, Elon musk is not pure American, he is South African-born American. His birthplace is Pretoria, South Africa. He was always fascinated by innovations even in his childhood. Once in an interview, Elon musk said, when he was a child his parents took him to doctors because they thought he was deaf.

But why do they think Elon was deaf? Elon said he used to daydream a lot about innovations and he was so lost in daydreaming, his parents thought he was deaf.

Elon’s interest in computers begins at the age of 10 when his parents divorced. He was lonely so he taught himself programming.

He was a geek and introvert during his childhood. He also shared that he was bullied many times so he learned wrestling and karate for self-defense. Now, let’s get back to Elon Musk Accent-

What Accent Does Elon Musk Have?

Elon musk has a hybrid accent because he was born in South Africa and lived there for 17 years of his life. Then in 1989 when he was 17 years, he moved to Canada for higher studies.

Later that year Elon got Canadian citizenship, he thought with Canadian citizenship it will easier to get American citizenship. At the age of 30, he finally moved to America.

And that’s how his African accent mixed with the American accent and he got a unique hybrid accent. You can easily tell Elon’s some words sound like African English.

Elon Musk Accent

Moving from Africa to Canada and then America mostly impacted his English. So we can say that Elon musk has a mixed accent of South African English and American English.

Interesting Facts about Elon Musk

  1. Elon Musk sold his first software “Blastar” for $500 when he was just 12 years old.
  2. Elon musk dropped out Stanford just after 2 days of joining.
  3. At age of 10, he taught himself how to code.
  4. In january 2021 Elon musk become the world’s richest man for few days later jeff bezos aquaird his #1 position back.
  5. Elon musk’s IQ score is 155.
  6. Like many famous entrepreneurs, Elon musk’s salary for tesla is just $1.


What ethnicity is Elon Musk?

Elon musk is an African American, his mother is Canadian and his father is African. Elon musk is a citizen of 3 different nations which means he has 3 different nationalities.

What languages does Elon Musk speak?

Elon Musk spent most of his childhood in Pretoria the capital of South Africa. Now he is living in the United States for a long therefore he can speak and understand both African and English Languages. He himself said in an interview that he is fluent in both languages.

What is Elon Musk first language?

He went to English medium school and As we know he is from Africa and has a Canadian mother, So we can guess his first language would be English. As we know mother is always the first teacher for a kid.

What is Elon Musk’s IQ level?

Elon musk’s IQ level is estimated to be 155. Some Geniuses like Hawking and Einstein have IQs of 160, so now you can guess the level of intelligence Elon has.

So, now I hope you get the answer to What Accent Does Elon Musk Have? if you like this article then share it with your friends and if you have any questions, let us know in the comment section.

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